President Bush! Your right you are hearing from us!
The famous speech President Bush made at ground zero should have been made to Congess. Pesident Bush and every member of Congress has the blood of everyone who died in 9/11 on their hands. No I am not some conspiracy nut. I know that Bin Laden and his lunatics committed this evil deed, but by the failure of the President and Congress to secure our borders the fanatics were given the means in which to pull this off. As the old saying goes, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Did Bush and Congress not learn a damn thing from 9/11? Our borders are still wide open and we have 10-20 million people in this country that are in the shadows.
Bush and Congress will tell you that the hijackers were here legally, that is the first fallacy. In fact the hijackers used the illegal immigrant network to gain the forged documents they needed to prove they were legal. They actually got their documents in Falls Church, Virginia in the parking lot of a 7-11.
No the majority of the blame still resides with our elected officials who continue to ignore the their sworn duty to protect and defend this country against all invaders, foreign and domestic. You only have to look at congress and the laws they make to know that they are bought and paid for by big corporations. Big corporations will do anything to keep the cheap labor pouring into this country even if it means buying politicians.
Everyday the President asks the American public to trust his decisions. I voted for you twice Mr President and I trust you as much as I trust Bin Laden. Your pathetic efforts to control our borders is allowing the means for the United States to be hit again and again and again by the nutjobs that can access this country right through Mexico. I am sure the terrorists coming here via Mexico will be hard working and they definetly will do the jobs Americans won't do and thats to attack Americans.
Civil unrest is brewing in this country and probably its due. Americans like me are tired of being the doormat and whipping boy for the world. You have illegal alien criminals protesting in our streets, telling us they are staying and we can't do anything about it. If America is over run with Mexicans our society will soon become just like Mexico. Then what will the world do? Who will be the country that everybody runs to when any disaster happens in the world? Who will be the country to stop genocide? Who? It won't be us because we will be governed by drug runners and currupt politicians just like Mexico.
With violence starting to esculate at the border it won't be long before it spreads north to a city near you. This is one American that will not live behind barred windows and cower in fear. I will organize with my right to bear arms and I will take the fight to the enemy. If my family's security is threatened by invaders with our government allowing this to happen my status will change from law abiding citizen to insurgent. I will not surrender what so many sacrificed to give us. And if America ever reaches the boiling point I just mentioned, then the politicians will be held accountable and will be judged as traitors to the constitution and will be dealt with no mercy.
A country that doesn't have protected borders, doesn't have a country.
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