America is struggling with a weak President and a Congress that has become so corrupted by Special Interest; there is only one way to save this country from financial ruin. Corporate America is screaming at Congress that they need more immigrants in order to keep producing. Well let’s accept that this is a true statement. You want them you pay for them. Force the Social Security Administration to turnover to Homeland Security every SSN that doesn’t match their employees. Once it is determined that they are Illegal Aliens the company will be sent a bill by the US Treasury for $25,000. At which time the company must provide proof of 100% health coverage for that employee and every undocumented worker they have employed. Any undocumented person presenting himself, herself or their family for medical treatment will have to show a card given by the employer that states the company is responsible for any and all charges due at the time of service. When an undocumented family enrolls their children into public schools once again they must show their employer ID card. Once the card has been verified with the employer and the government the employer will be sent a bill for the cost of educating the children of the undocumented worker. This will apply for all undocumented workers for a period of two years at which time the undocumented must be sent back to their country of origin at the expense of the employer. The undocumented worker may apply to re-enter again after first spending one year in his or her country of origin. This will facilitate in the destruction of families separated for long periods of time to work in this country and will allow others the opportunity at the American experience.
If Corporate America is in such dire straits for labor the costs of taking care of their employees should be a cost they are willing to pay. Congress should then pass legislation that Corporate America cannot pass along this expense to its customers by raising their prices more than five percent from the year prior to legislation becoming law. Before Corporate America starts crying that’s unfair, unfair is forcing me to pay for your employee’s health care and their children’s education through my tax dollars. Before you large corporations start thinking about relocating to another country to avoid your obligations here, a 40% tariff will be charged to any company operating in the US 5 years prior to the law that relocates their same types of operations to another country.
It’s simple! You want them. You pay for them!
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