My Book

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Scum of America

Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer Bank Of America Corporation and head of America's most unpatriotic bank void of any ethics.
02/15/2007 his stock in BOA is worth
$ 89.47Millon
that's why he doesn't care about hurting Americans. Maybe if one of the hijacked planes had flown into the BOA building in Charlotte on 9/11 this greedy company would have a different take on illegal aliens.
Why Boycott Bank of America?
Bank of America Supports illegal immigration and open borders.Bank of America has been identified as part of the OBL Open Borders Lobby.You should Boycott them for the following reasons.
Bank of America accepts the worthless Mexican ID called a Matricula Consular card. Only illegal aliens in America need this card to function.
Bank of America knowingly gives illegal aliens bank accounts and home mortgages at a time when foreclosures are at historically high levels for legal American citizens.
Bank of America is now targeting illegal aliens to receive credit cards with no social security or credit history. In effect, illegal aliens will be given preferential treatment over American credit consumers.
Bank of America gives tens of thousands of dollars to racist groups that support illegal immigration such as La Raza (The Race), MALDEF, and LULAC. They also give money to try and defeat immigration enforcement measures supported by the American public such as Arizona's proposition 200!Companies like Bank of America want to make a buck off of illegal immigration while Americans pay the many costs associated with this crisis.Existing federal law says they should not do it.

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