A few quotes from the people running George Bush's SPP Program to destroy America's Sovereignty. Remember Pastor is the designer of the plan that gave away the Panama Canal!
Robert Pastor said that he favors a "North American
Community," not a formal union of the three countries, and several speakers at
the conference ridiculed the idea of protecting America's borders and suggested
that American citizenship was an outmoded concept.Wearing a lapel pin featuring the flags of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, Pastor told AIM that he favors a $200-billion North American Investment Fund to pull Mexico out of poverty and a national biometric identity card for the purpose of controlling the movement of people in and out of the U.S.
So the "conspiracy" is now very much out in the open, if only the media would pay some attention to it.Conservative concerns about Pastor's agenda were not assuaged by conference literature disclosing that the CNAS is sponsoring an event in May in which students participate in a model "North American Parliament." The concept suggests creation of a regional body to supersede the U.S. Government itself.
One speaker, Stephen Zamora of the University of Houston Law School, denounced the idea of a wall separating Mexico and the U.S., in order to control illegal immigration, asking, "What does citizenship mean anymore?"
Another speaker, Tom Farer, Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver, made a point of saying that his representative in Congress, Tom Tancredo (R-Col.), a staunch advocate of U.S. border security, was a backward thinker. Tancredo could be seen "dragging his knuckles along the ground," Farer said, trying to crack a joke.
A sour note about the prospect of further integration with Mexico was provided
at the conference by Alberto Szekely, a career ambassador and advisor to the
Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, who said that the rule of law simply does
not exist in Mexico and that corruption permeates governmental institutions. He
said reforms under the presidency of Vicente Fox went nowhere and that Mexico is
one of the most corrupt countries in the world today.
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