Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Say it like you mean it!
Why has America become so soft? We pride and sell ourselves around the world as the beacon of freedom, freedom of speech especially. Why is it then that when people say things that others disagree with they engage in an all out assault on that person. Take Tim Hardaway the NBA player who said he hated gays. Are you telling me he doesn't have the same freedom as someone that says they love gays? The vocal minority in this country screams I think just hear their damn brains rattle. I don't agree with a lot of shit people say in this country but they say it and its their right. Hold on there you illegal aliens you need to shut the hell up, you don't have any rights in this country go protest in Mexico. I believe the only way to clear the tension in the air is to speak the truth. I hate crime, so in turn I hate criminals. I hate illegal aliens because they are criminals. I hate politicians because they are criminal liars. I hate Islam because it causes so much misery in the world. There I said it, now if you don't like you can kiss my ass, because I don't care, it's my right and unlike the spineless jellyfish we have elected in DC I will not flip flop to make you like me. John McCain is a weasel, Ted Kennedy is a cowardly drunk, George Bush is hell bent on destroying this country, Hillary teaches young women to find a powerful man and use his coattails if you want to be successful even if it means you subject yourself to someone like Bill Clinton, Barak O'Bama is delusional, John Kerry is a Fraud, Michael Chertoff is an ass kisser, The Justice Department is filled full of criminals, the ACLU would better serve America if they were disbanded and thrown in jail, Muslim Mosques should be banned from this country, Illegal Aliens should be shot trying to cross the border, Mexico should not receive one dime from the US until it controls its own population from ignoring our borders, Companies that employ illegals should have their CEO's and board of directors thrown in jail for thirty years and all their assets seized to pay taxpayers back for all the money the illegals cost us, and last but not least, no politician should be able to run for more than two terms in the same office...There I said it like I meant it. Try it America it is very liberating.
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